The absolutely blind dumb bitch, doesn't understand how roundabouts work, or how to drive for that matter, just blatantly undercut several people dangerously on a roundabout in the wrong lane, almost causing a crash, her stupid haircut said enough about the kind of person she is, utter trash.
Tit in a VW 4x4 tailgating as usual on BlackBurn Road, Bolton. I was doing 34 in a 30 but apparently, that wasn't fast enough for his 3litre mong mobile! So he overtook me on the wrong side and in an incoming lane then proceeded to slam his brakes on two or three times, just to show he was a REAL man lol....what a tit!
Angry men in their 4x4's....they used to be for farms, not going to Tesco for a cucumber!
Another one driving his moms disability car thinking he’s Lewis Hamilton. I followed this prick from Rushall, Walsall through until he turned off at Beechdale. He was doing over 60mph on 30mph roads, every car in front of him he was nearly touching the bumper and forced to constantly touch the brakes. He was driving so erratically the car swerved as he steered numerous times and jolted back.
Absolute moron who needs to hit a big fucking tree before he wipes someone else off the road.
Grow the fuck up you sexually frustrated, ‘must prove I’m not a tiny dick virgin’ driving cunt!
Speeding on Aston Expressway. Overtakes on inside ignoring my long signal to move to left hand lane.
After leaving expressway gets caught in outside lane and cuts into left hand lane by forcing other car out of the way followed by aggressive overtaking approaching a traffic island.
The absolutely blind dumb bitch, doesn't understand how roundabouts work, or how to drive for that matter, just blatantly undercut several people dangerously on a roundabout in the wrong lane, almost causing a crash, her stupid haircut said enough about the kind of person she is, utter trash.