This stupid woman pulled straight out a side road onto a 50mph road in front of my truck making me almost stop to avoid hitting her up the arse before she tootled along at a steady 35mph.
Looking at the dents & camera system on the back of her little shitbox it seems spacial awareness issues could be a common issue for her.
Fucking hell. Can only assume this driver is using a licence they got from Legoland, under the influence of something or just a massive dickhead. Absolutely abysmal driving and I was only behind them for about 45 seconds.
Pulled out at a roundabout at speed without even looking and cutting people up as he did so, cut even more drivers on said roundabout up by driving across lanes, struggled to make up their mind as to which lane they needed on a dual carriageway and so decided to just straddle across both lanes, holding up everyone behind them before swerving into the left lane just as everyone was slowing down for traffic; got distracted by something so important that they took 5 seconds to react to a light turning green, and then to top it all off flew onto another roundabout and cut someone else up.
Absolute knob of a driver driving a battered silver Mazda RX8, along the A48 between Newport and Chepstow on 17april 2022.
No regard for speed limits, stopping distances, or the meaning of double white lines down the middle of the carriage way.
This individual obviously wants to show off and be noticed (not sure why in a 16 year old Mazda!?), but endangers the lives of other law-abiding drivers.
Small penis syndrome maybe or just a prat? - not sure....
going the wrong way down a road while on a mobile phone