Hi, I'm the driver in question here. Can I just say in my defence that my arsehole was exceptionally itchy at that particular moment and I needed to pop into B&Q to buy one of those small little bog brushes so I could jam it right up my balloon knot and give it a good old scratch because it really was making my eyes water.
I had the very real misfortune of coming across this particular driver on the road this morning. Came here to have a moan, and I see they already have a decent following!
It’s fair to say, their driving is equal to their parking: fucking atrocious.
Not a massive surprise. I’ll bet they’ve plastered that clunker in daisy stickers to cover up the multiple other times they’ve wanged themselves against other people’s cars. Some people shouldn’t drive. I wonder if their mummy’s insurance ended up paying out for this one.. hopefully the police were informed.
Come to Mama! Bloody hell. Could get lost in between those.