WV18 XJU 2019-06-24 18:13:31

A driver not troubled by concepts like 'indicating' or 'stopping distance' as they weave through motorway traffic
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WV15 FTC 2019-06-18 19:02:33

Suicyclist who cant decide what lanes they want to be in and overtakes (twice) at speed on double-whites. Twit.
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WV12 TVN 2019-06-17 17:56:15

Some homeless looking dude who stole a charity pot got away in this car
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WV54 YKG 2019-06-06 20:57:03

Excellent driver, can’t believe how well they drive
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WV64 MFO 2019-05-30 11:42:30

brilliant driver- waited behind me for about ten seconds for oncoming traffic to clear, then overtook me on my bicycle with loads of room spare- top lad! [from a hgv driver, cyclist and motorbiker]
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WV17 XKD 2019-05-29 18:35:09

This dinlo driving very close to my partners rear bumper. Please bear in mind we was already doing 55 in a 50 he then overtook and pulled in front of us and slammed on his breaks for no reason. The bloke has no clue how to drive
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WV54 FZD 2019-05-29 18:11:54

I was well over a car length in front of this moron, where 2 lanes merged into 1, when he suddenly decided he had to be in front of me and aggressively tried to shut me out. When he realised he wasn’t able to get in front of me, he held is hand on his horn and gesticulated offensively at me.
What a kind and considerate driver, suggest you have a read of the highway code regarding merging in turn.
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WV64 BTX 2019-05-12 21:15:30

Driving erratically on the southbound carriageway of the A12 ... undertaking to illegally get ahead of traffic.
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WV64 FJP 2019-04-29 18:38:59

Asshole vehicle indicated to go into the right lane just so I couldn't overtake him, had to drop my speed by 30 mph very suddenly according to my dashcam.
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WV08 VZN 2019-04-27 05:15:56

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