Dreadful driver crashed into my new garden fence then attempted driving off. When I stopped him he said I have a ‘manjina’ and I should let him baz my wife
This feral looking scrubber was sat in his BMW blocking a bus stop on my route, looked like he was having a nice long chat through the window to some slobby woman in a dressing gown mid afternoon. Neither of them even acknowledged the fact they were blocking my stop.
When I politely beeped to let him know he shouldn't be there he stuck 2 fingers up at me and a bus full of school children, what an absolute no class chav you are.
You tailgating 'Space Invader' If a cat had run out both our cars would be seriously damaged. You'd lose your 'no claims' discount and I'd have the use of a hire car while mine is being repaired. You were following at less than ½ a second behind. I guess you'll have to learn the hard way.
This motherfucker looking like a cross between Clarence Boddicker from Robocop & Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.
Wants to get his vehicle road legal & then pay attention to road signs instead of doing the total opposite of what they tell you to do.
Completely irresponsible driver driving inches off Lerner bumper then attempting to overtake on blind bend and having to abort nearly having a head on.