Typical taxi on the 25. All over the place, lane hogging in lane 3 and bouncing off the lines either side like a pinball table. Hopefully when he's on a slab he's not taken anyone else with him.
Mouthy irish, overweight, with glasses old dude. The least intimadating person I have ever seen, we were bursting out laughing at his road rage. Pathetic and overweight. Overweight.
YP08 FVRConcerned member of public2023-03-10 14:26:06
Rtard pulls up next to me almost crashing into me with scared looking children in the back likely part of a grooming gang I’m sure u can guess why. Probably just mad that his poverty stricken a$$ could only afford a 2008 Yaris💀
What a disgusting fucking bitch. Deserves a good fucking beating. Cannot drive for their life, and they have the most embarrassing little piece of shit car. Fucking melt.
Aggressive tailgating driver with poor forward planning.