Bit worried about this guy. Erattic changes in speed, lots of swerving, tailgating, near misses... Thought he was having a heart attack. No worries though, just texting. Phew.
Impatient van driving so far up my arse in an urban area despite my clear intention to parallel park with early indicators and low speed.
Proceeds to pull up alongside me and can't go forwards due to parked cars, forcing me to stop parking. Almost caused a road block for a car coming up the road, but because I possess the thinking of a normal person I made space for them. Could've been avoided and saved 30 seconds of all our lives if this twat just let me park.
And top top it off, he does a classic van hand gesture. Learn to think and retire from behind the wheel if you're that impatient.
Be careful with this pervert on narrow roads. He expects you to get out of his way. I had passed a passing place from my direction before he did from his direction and we were nearer his passing place but he insisted I reversed back.
Logic was against him as he hadn’t passed his passing place before me and he was nearer to his than mine.
Registration details not registered - possibly false number plates going by his standard of driving.
A typical Yorkshire Wanker.
Guy cuts the cues at maccies because he’s desperate for his burger. Can’t blame him though saw his fat head poking out when he got stuck leaning out the window to pay. Most exercise he’s got all week by the looks of it
Speeding, red light jumping directly endangering the life of a pedestrian when their light to cross was green, then proceeded to cut up another driver immediately after. Grade A year!
Bit worried about this guy. Erattic changes in speed, lots of swerving, tailgating, near misses... Thought he was having a heart attack. No worries though, just texting. Phew.