Nearly run over again on the pavement in Woollards Lane. Peugeot estate drives across the road over double yellow lines onto the pavement facing the wrong way coming straight towards me and when she could not get out of her car because I was walking passed she made a tutting girly whining sound.
Where: Woollards Lane, Great Shelford (The double yellow line road parking hell zone)
Time: 2.20pm
Reg: YV51 YTS Peugeot Estate Blue
Firstly, I saw this vehicle parked on yellow zigzag lines and I've gone online to check the registration and it turns out that it hasn't had any tax since the 1st May. This is as of 8th June 2015.
Come on if you are going to be an idiot parking in a disabled where someone WITH AN ACTUAL DISABILITY YOU KNOB you should just take up one you SHOULD NOT PARK IN two you actual fucking idiot
What a cunt