this idiot drive nearly caused an accident on the M6/M42 slip towards BHX, impatient and plying stupid cat and mouse games. Good job I have a dash cam in my car which is now in the hands of the police.....
This fool felt very powerful when he picked on my wife, accompanied with two young children. Why? Because he wanted to get into the inside lane without waiting for a space then chose to use the worst abusive language, when that didn't work, he clipped the mirror. There is a police incident no.
Is this guy a career insurance claimer? With barely a flash of a signal changes lanes on the motorway with only a few feet to spare, then brakes to almost a standstill as if trying to cause rear-end shunt, starts waving me to the side of the road as if there had been an accident, but seems disappointed I had already slowed right down and avoided hitting him!