RF53 MXB 2015-02-07 21:06:32

Gave me a lift when I ran out of petrol. Helped me out massively and wouldn't accept any money as payment for his kindness. Really nice person
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RF53 MXB 2015-02-07 21:03:48

was broken down and this fine chap helped me get my car working. very nice person
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RF53 MXB 2015-02-07 20:58:58

Seriously nice car. Amazing driver
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HX53 YDG 2015-01-31 17:04:37

your time come to die- u will go down to the big bad fire - u may mock this with the phrase "so fucking what" Trust me, you will suffer death and yes we will all celebrate your end - die mother fucker
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LT06 WWE 2015-02-07 10:53:59

Idiot just scraped me and hit and run!
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PK13 CLV 2015-02-07 10:41:55

Swerved right in front of me and his Citroen C1 looks like his driving style.
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RN51 VVK 2015-02-07 10:33:54

Thx so much for waiting at the traffic lights.
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HV06 LYP 2015-02-07 10:31:29

Very good driver always waits for me to go past when crossing the road.
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SP51 BZR 2015-01-30 21:54:10

Seemed to me the car mis judged or never saw you but when he did he made a point of leaving you space.

You appear to me to be looking for a row. I think you need to calm down because if I had made an error and corrected it by giving you space then you come back for a row you would have got one!

Just saying!
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BN02 FWU 2015-01-30 19:58:21

They should charge those Neanderthals as the have not worked out the concept of car controls >> give them som shape blocks and say put them in the correct holes (they are fucked and there for eternity). Back to the Neanderthal - charge him + take his licence + make him go with ambulance crews to RTAs - let him pick up the body parts etc >> my rant is now over
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