FL55 CTU 2019-07-29 09:02:02

Prick in an Oglesby Property Services van nearly ran me off the road this morning because he was too busy eating his breakfast.

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S55 TFU 2019-07-29 08:00:22

everyone loves a keyboard warrior :)

love you
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LS18 EJD 2019-07-29 06:43:44

Knob who overtakes in 30 and 40mph zones on Kinross to Kincardine Bridge even though I’m doing the speed limit. I hope the police catch up with you soon.
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LT10 HSK 2019-07-22 06:34:59

Driver made threats after stealing money from my partner. Partner gave the amount quoted for the journey, driver because verbally abusive. Threatened to come to the house that picked my partner up staying “I know where you live.” This house is owned by a 19 year old woman. Absolutely disgusting man. Couldn’t imagine if a young woman or child got in this mans car.
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LR66 AYN 2019-07-22 22:18:02

This incredible work of art decided to cut me off on a roundabout, forcing me to slam my breaks. Upon being confront claimed she was a police officer, said that it was illegal for me to take a photo of her license plate and then refused to attempt to show me her warrant card. Typical little whiny mini driver.
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Y221 TGH 2019-07-22 14:23:46

So this happened to me this morning. Not sure why the driver thinks she can try and over take me in a bus lane? Think she was just a bit angry!
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D15 CCD 2019-07-29 03:46:12

Guy is a jumped up chav. Low life that thinks he's better than the rest. Mrs is a twat too
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YE55 GGG 2019-07-29 03:43:05

This driver is a twat
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LD14 MZT 2019-07-29 03:41:00

This is a taxi and him and his 3 mates chased me and tried to run me off the road. What a twat, cowards.
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ND57 CKU 2019-07-29 00:46:57

Very safe and careful driver
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