Absolute be**end, using wrong lanes on a roundabout to get back in front as I over took him when we was using the wrong lane, his form have been informed
This driver has just bullied way through traffic merging into single lane for roadworks on A30 Devon. First took the wing mirror off the car then hit the side of the caravan leaving a dent over a metre long. Didn't stop to exchange info. Police called.
Impatient wreckless Arsehole! You really do live up to the BMW stereotype wanker. Undertaking and hogging the outside lane. Dangerous and impulsive driver will cause an accident soon driving like that.
This woman was driving up the A1 north undertaking almost every car she ran my van over onto the verge. Never in my life have I seen someone drive to dangerous. She slammed her brakes on and crossed 3 lanes onto a slip. Stay away !
Idiot driving erratic all over tge road tailgating a van, then drove slow so tried to pass on next set of lights and got passed but he came up onside and forced me into oncoming traffic. Shouldnt be behind wheel of lorry
Absolute be**end, using wrong lanes on a roundabout to get back in front as I over took him when we was using the wrong lane, his form have been informed