CX15 XLU 2018-07-24 13:45:45

Dangerously driving right up behind any vehicle on the road from Oswestry, Welshpool to Newtown areas. I saw several vehicles intimidated enough to pull over to get out of the way and prevent him hitting the back of them. He frequently straddled both lanes and over took on hatched areas. Each time he came up behind a vehicle he was throwing his hands in the air and gesticulating -a stressful way for him to travel. Also, looked like a right clown.
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KE60 BPF 2018-07-24 13:31:33

This driver has Lewis Hamilton’s blood running through his veins as he belted it past me in Salford at a whopping 88 mph! Needs to be taught a lesson as he is quite a large man who thinks he can talk the talk but he can’t walk the walk because his focus is his space ship and he thinks he is Neil Armstrong! I will get my day with this specimen of life as he is on West one and my day is due any day for a war with this Jonah hill look a like
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LS12 ORO 2018-07-31 12:09:02

why ?
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FL54 BYZ 2018-07-31 12:01:06

Why Drive Like Hit And Run ?
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D13 EGE 2018-07-31 11:47:06

Top driver - love his style.
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LN15 YDC 2018-07-31 09:34:02

Useless POS thug.
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VK63 OWB 2018-07-31 09:14:10

Useless at overtaking cyclists safely. I could have reached out and touched the car when this stupid woman overtook me!
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BD65 VNJ 2018-07-24 09:10:28

This Tesco delivery van was blocking the emergency exit and the barrier for more than 10 minutes this morning and it is happening more often. The driver thinks he is cool, he didn't say sorry and he drove into the resident park area to turn around after I have opened the barrier to myself. Rude and unacceptable behaviour. If an ambulance car arrives, they can't park at the door front of the barrier because the Tesco driver does not care about others. The residents have the right to keep their car park exit clear. The van will be reported to the Police.
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MM06 KWS 2018-07-31 09:04:23

this 'man' cannot park in one space to save his life. selfish p**ck always parks over two spaces because hes a moron.
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C3 MGP 2018-07-31 09:02:48

idiot old driver, scratched and scraped my car coming out of a fuel station when there was a whole line of traffic so he could'nt go anywhere.
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