Swerving in and out of traffic trying to get 10 seconds faster to destination driving like a complete tool up people’s arses.
If you wanna kill yourself mate please do it alone don’t mess with other people’s lives
Absolute fuckin idiot!!! Decided to change lanes when I am clearly right next to him/her! Had to sound my horn for a long time and slam my brakes on just to get the idiot to move over!!!! Scariest moment of my life. Hope it scared them just as much. Shouldn’t be on the road.
Stupid reckless driver who tried to hit my car this morning.
I just sent my husband to work (Coventry University Hospital) as usual. As I was driving from Clifford Bridge Road towards Ansty Road, at the traffic light, this car particular car swayed and nearly hit my car. Please keep an eye on this vehicle. The driver is a danger to society!
My husband handles RTA cases on a daily basis. A lot of the cases were due to drivers' carelessness, arrogance and stupidity. If one day the driver of this car came through A&E with severe injuries as a result of RTA, I want him to be paralysed for the whole of his life. Let this person suffer in agony..and let his family look after him for the rest of their lives.
Popping pills and filling a syringe! making mobile calls it makes you wonder, sinister or not ?.