Stupid Ibiza that looks like a hoover going down the road. Think he has hit a few kerbs in his time as the wheels are bent in. Driver also looked a bit weird, rims look ok but I think there replicas of some expensive ones, surprised there not cracked
Your normal gay type r driving loud exhuast and thinks he has fastest car on planet always driving fast and making loads of noise late at night!
Normal dickhead Honda driver! Mate your cars scrap
DU66EXM starts tailgating as I'm overtaking just before the video beings. Backs off for the speed camera when I tap my breaks, and he then accelerates back up to literally centimeters away from my car as i'm overtaking two buses (if I had to break for the white car turning right or for anyone doing a uturn at the junction or pedestrians/animals, DU66EXM would have went right into the back of me). I move over to the left lane to let him pass as soon as I am able (notice I start to indicate early when i'm still level with the bus - because I was concerned about DU66EXM swinging out in an undertake attempt). He accelerates past. After the lights he speeds up to attempt to undertake the car in front, but has to abort when the car correctly changes lanes. DU66EXM then moves into next lane and overtakes without indicating. I stay behind him, proving that tailgating gets you nowhere and just necessarily puts others at risk. Wish I had a rear facing camera.
Safe and good driver!