Tend to find a lot of tourists especially American will wave, whereas a lot of British people will go out of their way to be miserable, nasty and ignorant.
Where in the Highway Code does it say you MUST stop if someone is on the pavement and not the crossing? As far as I'm aware there is no legal requirement to stop, the only exception being a driving test. Unless someone physically steps onto the crossing then you should exercise caution and be prepared to stop, if you can. It doesn't mean you have to.
you're so blind mate- cyclists are FASTER than you! your average speed in this area is barely 8mph, we cycle at 12 to 20 mph, whats the point of beeping and brake checking just to get to the red light sooner? beeping is one offence as theres no danger to be warning of- brake checking is careless or dangerous driving, thats 6 to 9 points. You would lose your licence[ which btw, can be taken away, unlike the right to cycle, which can't] i hope you get sent to court and banned from driving, your ''leased'' car, which is obviously is unless you've got 18 grand spare to buy a car outright...
LOL 140i is a fake M car, nothing more than a shopping trolley