Scary to think the driver not only felt entitled to force you out the way, but also lacked the sense to realise the approaching danger. It is my understanding that one should only over-take if it is both safe and was neither. Furthermore cyclist's don't have mirrors, indicators or brake lights. They can also swerve, bounce and come off at any time , especially with the state of British roads. No doubt some are pricks; I ride and drive and I have had my fair share of heated exchanges shall we say, with idiots on bikes thinking the rules of the road don't apply to them. Does this driver think all cyclists are like that? Do they think the rules don't apply to their driving? The latter seems a logical assumption, based on their apparent and dangerous disregard for the cyclist's welfare. I know one thing. If they did this on a driving test they would certainly fail and for good reason. Luckily the cyclist was uninjured but had they been hit the driver would not have stopped and the consequences could have been deadly.
Excuse me '' please could you validate the vitals above you quote 'CO2 emissions: 0g/km'... The pea shooter exhaust on this 'lingo is lethal, my crotch is still black bright from when I was last inspecting. Probably been run on red, veg oil, baked bean juice or similar!
Wreckless female driver 40+ mph in 20 limit on wrong side of road who then swerved fortunately otherwise a head on collision would have happened...Hinkler Road Southampton.
For everyone's sake please get over to Southampton General Hospital and get booked in for sterilisation so you can't produce useless cunt drivers of the future ;-)
I assume, "Sorry Mate, I'm a Retard" applies to the motorcyclist. Zooming past the lorry then intending to undertake the car you were putting yourself in a vulnerable position. All those signs saying "Think Bike" should say "Bike, Think" but I suppose there it is a bit much to expect bikers to think.
Scary to think the driver not only felt entitled to force you out the way, but also lacked the sense to realise the approaching danger. It is my understanding that one should only over-take if it is both safe and was neither. Furthermore cyclist's don't have mirrors, indicators or brake lights. They can also swerve, bounce and come off at any time , especially with the state of British roads. No doubt some are pricks; I ride and drive and I have had my fair share of heated exchanges shall we say, with idiots on bikes thinking the rules of the road don't apply to them. Does this driver think all cyclists are like that? Do they think the rules don't apply to their driving? The latter seems a logical assumption, based on their apparent and dangerous disregard for the cyclist's welfare. I know one thing. If they did this on a driving test they would certainly fail and for good reason. Luckily the cyclist was uninjured but had they been hit the driver would not have stopped and the consequences could have been deadly.