Please upload here. Thanks for posting.. maybe other people will have some footage so it can be collated for the police..driving like that, they're bound to raise attention from the fuzz (hope so).
The camera car could have stopped easily as the vehicle was well ahead. Why would you try and get past via going up the kerb and onto the verge if you could stop? I'll tell you why, there's more to this than incident shown. The red car even tries to give the cam car a fright during the pass - you wouldn't create an alert to other road user if you were pulling a cash for crash.
Camera car needs to release all prior footage as I just don't buy it.
Perhaps there's CCTV footage? I don't know how useful it is however or even whether it would be used unless at the request of the police. In short nobody was injured or killed so.. as with idiots putting cyclist's lives at risk.. it never happened. Not that I am advocating such complacency folks, it's just the way things go here, in this country. The law is an ass at times..
Police need to follow this person in an unmarked car & catch him in the act of driving like an ass endangering people's lives! There's a dash cam vid of him driving like a complete twat, purposely trying to crash for cash into a mans car on the A41 (man he tried to hit had his 4 year old child in car too).
And? let him pay the fine.