This idiots social skills amount to jumping roundabouts and when picked up on this he waves his handy Baseball bat out of his window !! - What a Big Man !! - Suspect a Regular Jeremy Kyle Contestant !
Pulls over every once in a while and distrubs the peace by playing loud music and littering even with several warnings from locals
Revs outside a lot and drives really fast
LT07ABN - Blue Ford Focus male driver driving down Shefford High Street (Beds) on a handheld mobile phone whilst going through traffic lights and taking a left 90 degree bend - just stoopid.
This guy nearly killed my father and mother in the car! My dad and mum were in shock when he sped past us, nearly breaking our side mirrors. And yet again, he aggressively drove into the lane for incoming vehicles, and then we heard lots and lots of screeches! So glad the woman involved didn't get hurt. But the guy driving the car literally had to drive on the grass to run away. I'm suprised he has a driving license.
Driving whilst on his phone no hands on the wheel and wasn't focuses on driving very reckless driving