NL59 BPXRepost from Stevie Wonder2020-10-19 23:47:13
Another Bellend Brie Dairy Farmer who thinks an ideal place to park his ex Spacker Chariot is on the footpath path. Didn’t you read the Highway Code you fucking Ringworm.
Another Bellend Brie Dairy Farmer who thinks an ideal place to park his ex Spacker Chariot is on the footpath path. Didn’t you read the Highway Code you fucking Ringworm.
Silver Vauxhall Astra. Doesn’t understand how roundabouts work and hits poor vulnerable people off their mopeds and blames them for her wrongdoing would avoid this car at all costs
Utter shit driver. Young lady on her phone in a highways maintenance van undertaking cars, cutting in, swerving all over the place on her phone and changing lanes without looking forcing me to brake hard and nearly wiping me out
Motability scrounger