Vehicle Details
Vehicle make
Date of first registration
November 2018
Year of manufacture
Cylinder capacity
1560 cc
COâ‚‚ emissions
144 g/km
Fuel type
This idiot was speeding, tailgating , and performing dangerous undertaking manoeuvres. Held up further on by other traffic so pointless exercise. Footage has been passed on to the police.
Its only an underpowered chav-white Leon mate, why not try driving it like the boring benefit spec chavkart it is, we all know you have nowhere to be. Scrubbers be scrubbin'.
Very inappropriate swore at myself and my 10 year old when he parked outside my house blocking me and when asked to move told me to f*ck off as he was unpacking mountain bike.
Vehicle Details
Vehicle make
Date of first registration
November 2018
Year of manufacture
Cylinder capacity
1560 cc
COâ‚‚ emissions
144 g/km
Fuel type
This idiot was speeding, tailgating , and performing dangerous undertaking manoeuvres. Held up further on by other traffic so pointless exercise. Footage has been passed on to the police.