NU04 OCH 2016-11-23 19:45:09

I would report this cabby
He sounds a little unsafe if you ask me
I bet he's a nasty piece of work at home as well
If i could be a fly on the wall in his house
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NU54 YXK 2016-11-20 21:23:45

Stupid lad sat in maccies car park , in his 1.2 corsa , with his shit straight through exhaust, crowded by 14year old's! Almost crashed his car wheel spinning out the car park
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NU13 ZWV 2016-11-07 10:42:29

Really shitty driver has no concept of the speed limits on the roads is unaware of her suroundings on roundabouts and attempts to get you to crash into her
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NU08 XRZ 2016-10-31 14:19:42

Yeah I've seen him wiping his own shit on others drivers windshields
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NU07 LKX 2016-10-12 00:28:39

The stupid driver of this black Toyota Prius plates number NU07 LKK Did not stop to honk to overcome my motorbike on a single lane street while the traffic lights was red ahead of us. He drove his car up to my motorbike to force me to make room for his car at the traffic light. When the traffic light went to green light, this dangerous driver pushed my motorbike with his car, making me lose balance and almost fall.
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NU15 XPS 2016-09-29 01:18:04

And for what it's worth, amber means stop too ;)
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NU15 XPS 2016-09-29 01:06:33

Thanks for letting us all use your road
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NU15 XPS 2016-09-18 18:13:55

Really bad driver almost hit my car
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NU62 PJO 2016-09-04 18:56:32

Driver is breaking the Highway Code on several levels. He is too close to the cyclist, on the wrong side of the road near a junction, and trying to over-take on a junction. Finally trying to under-take a cyclist turning right, forcing them out the way whilst continually getting close - if it looks close on a camera like this, then you can bet 100% is was MUCH closer than it looked due to the way the lenses work. I would be interested to see the other reports from other cyclists, especially if they have video footage. The guy needs a lesson in driving and possibly other things while we're at it..
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NU62 PJO 2016-09-04 18:52:06

That looked wholly intentional in his part. When he approached the junction he intended to over-take, until that is he realised a) the oncoming filter lane in his way and b) a cyclist who wasn't going to be intimidated. He then goes for plan b: drive up the cyclist's ass and under-take; as you're going it, get as close to the cyclist as possible in order to force them into that oncoming filter lane. And all THIS on slippy, muddy side roads next to fast-moving A roads. The guy is a fucking melon, he needs fining and/or banning for that because had there been a collision the cyclist would have almost certainly died. The driver is effectively trying to bully someone into driving into the fast lane of oncoming traffic of a motorway all the way standstill. Fucking prick.
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