PN51 YZK 2018-11-08 08:49:21

You on the bike are a wanker mate.
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PN62 MMO 2018-10-23 02:42:43

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PN62 MMO 2018-11-06 02:13:11

A 1.4 Peugeot shouldn't struggle up any hill at 15mph, unless it's in too high a gear or something is wrong with it...
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PN13 KMU 2018-10-28 22:52:04

Bet the motorcycle rider wishes he hadn't acted like such a twat now. If the car pulled out on him then the rider must have had to pull round him purely to get him to stop.
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PN13 KMU 2018-10-14 16:34:44

The biker is a twat. He was threatening the taxi driver with breaking his skull, he slapped his mirror and was aggressive. He deserved to have his shiny new bike mowed down (and SORN). He'll think twice before acting like such a dickhead on the road next time. Well done driver.

PS - He didn't upload any footage of what happened before anyway.
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PN13 KMU 2018-10-06 17:07:21

Wow people are defending the taxi?? Really???? I really hope you don't drive.... Probably the idiots who tailgate and drive like twats tbh... So throw away your license and get off of the road if you think the taxi driver was in the right to nearly hit the biker and then proceed to run over his bike... Also the biker said ill break your f***ing skull and walked off.... The taxi driver was in no harm what so ever so do go to spec savers and sort your eye sight and then proceed to get your ears checked :)
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PN13 KMU 2018-10-01 12:49:29

Even though you haven't seen the incident the biker is angry about, it doesn't mean that taxi driver had any right to run over his bike! Anyone defending this taxi driver needs a slap. He's a dangerous driver and needs prosecuting and sacking.
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PN68 XPH 2018-09-27 14:51:07

Caught in maccies carpark revving his engine within 2 days of purchasing this car. Pathetic.

Claims he does it because is "so loud".

Also has a sunroof and LEDs to make the car more desirable for thieves, honestly surprised he managed to get this insured!

Wouldnt buy this car as from a young age it was treated poorly and will probably have engine problems after 30,000 miles.
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PN13 KMU 2018-09-23 23:15:12

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PN68 XPH 2018-09-26 12:55:34

Followed this psycho all the way down the A595; he feathered the throttle to no end and he deeply upset my timid passenger (who isn’t aware of the brute power of a hot hatch)

This driver absolutely loves having his passenger hang out of the sun roof, blatant disregard for the poor lads back

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