Self-entitled nobhead parked right up on the pavement outside the convenience store (and the police station although forget that, they do fuck all about highway offences).
I saw this woman driving and swerving all over the road. She is either drunk or doesn't know how to drive properly. She needs to take a breathalyser test by the police if they pulled her over or get this driver off the road. She was on white lines and almost went on the wrong side of the road. Luckily a car was not flying down the road otherwise she will have a car crash. There is a link at the top of the start of the comments so you can watch it. Get this drunk woman of the road thank you.
Stupid cunt came flying into a zebra crossing when I was crossing it nearly hitting me. Half an hour later I see him in the car park and absolutely sparked the cunt. Stole his wallet and went to buy some Stella
Nice parking genius