Cyclist toss pot. Thinks it's ok to be arrogant and swear at other road users. You're a knob. one gives a fuck!
And on another note, edit your videos. Who wants to sit through footage of you packing your lentils into your recycled carrier bag and pedalling off down the road?! FFS.
Tricky situation.. trying to join a dual-carriageway so you can turn right. I say this regardless of whether you're on a bike, motorbike or in a car. Before you know it, you've got traffic already on the carriageway traveling quite fast despite the island ahead. Yet despite this you've got to enter the carriageway, build up speed and get in position as early as possible (especially cyclists). I ride a bike and I wouldn't do it - not that I don't think cyclists have a right; rather, I just don't think it's safe enough especially when you've got drivers like this, who clearly don't think cyclists are equals, with equal rights. Not only that, if he cared about the welfare of his child so much then I simply ask, why the hell is driving like a tit? If you're on a bike here you've got to join the road, build up speed, take the lane and HOPE someone doesn't crush you to thanks.
Entitled knob with a bad temper hiding behind his child. Looks like he forgot about the 'kid' or didn't care at the point of commencing violent actions.
Freedy oweners needing that much space on either eidfe of the drive! Theres got to be 2 meters of excess white lining on either side there!