Over taking on a bend.
Driving into oncoming traffic.
Vehicle Details
Vehicle make TOYOTA
Date of first registration February 2006
Year of manufacture 2006
Cylinder capacity 1364 cc
CO₂ emissions 128 g/km
Fuel type DIESEL
Euro status Not available
Real Driving Emissions (RDE) Not available
Export marker No
Vehicle status Taxed
Vehicle colour BLUE
Vehicle type approval M1
Revenue weight Not available
Date of last V5C (logbook) issued 19 April 2018
Smashed my wing mirror off driving over the centre line clearly distracted, turned round and confronted the driver and he was abusive and tried to run me over after claiming it wasn’t his problem!
Was speeding around the ballymena mcdonalds car park with underage girls in the car also a large amount of cocaine please someone have a word with this driver!!!!!
Looked like one of the rotherham grooming gang in his white range rover , unfortunately it's sorned so shouldn't be on the road , unless that's why you were on your phone behind the wheel, trying to tax it ??? Nope
Belongs to some blond bird called Rose Tyler