What in the fucking hell this man has done to his car I, and everyone else staring at him in other confusion, will never understand.
First of all, old baldy who looks about 60 with an illegally spaced, illegally fonted plate. RS - 04 - FLO
Grow up.
Then as soon as the fucker started his car it sounded like a massive bomb went off. He sat there with his exploding car going off for 10 seconds before finally driving away, but the knob wasn't done yet. Quite a few more explosions later and random revs, which must have reached around 200db, his car could still be heard in the distance 2 minutes later.
I can assure you that everyone watching you was thinking about what a massive twat you are. Noone was impressed.
Did you pay to have this shit done, or did you do it yourself? It's embarrassing either way. Grow up.
Please don't look at your phone when driving, you only just stopped in time