First of all was on his phone whilst behind me driving through shrewsbury. Then drove past a police van that must have freaked him out as he then hid his phone, put on his seatbelt which I hadn’t realised he wasn’t wearing and kept checking his mirrors to see he wasn’t being followed. As he realised they weren’t following him, he then unclipped his belt again and was also back talking on his mobile phone. Was talking on his phone a total of 4 times for the very little amount of time he was following me. Driving very slowly as was obviously distracted and on his phone on the same road a young 8 year old was killed on a couple of months ago due to reckless driving. Appalling, should be ashamed.
This bus driver nearly crushed me to death while cycling and he refused to allow me to merge lanes on Princes Street. Fat driver decided to come and tell me how to Cycle despite looking like he last rode a bicycle for his 8th birthday.
Evening hours of 18th of March 2018 in Coventry...I was driving along the A444 towards the city center. After the round about and a set of traffic lights, the BMW driver started
aggressively tailgate and flash high beam at the VW polo driver in order to force the polo to change the lane he was in....later he caused danger to other drivers by hi reckless and careless driving ignoring other road users....
I'm guessing you, the bus driver, will be unemployed soon. Sadly this will make you even more anti 2 wheel brigade rather than fix the real issue
If it was me, in authority, you'd lose your privilege to drive (not just your PSV licence) to ensure other road users were safe until you'd passed an advanced driving test and issued with a section 59 (just in case you want to continue your little war on other legal road users)
Dangerous close pass for what? How far did you get?
Using foul language whilst wearing the uniform and driving in a company vehicle... how stupid can one be?
Good to see there are some old school HGV drivers out there. Thanks for the jump start in toddington service area. Regards Bob