WK62 TXY 2019-07-23 17:55:11

i said you are a good driver because you are. You did that overtake exactly how i would have done. Waited until oncoming traffic cleared, then overtook in the other lane. Thankyou. Quite rare to get that sort of pass. I have attached the other photo to show just how badly other people pass cyclists.
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WK54 TDO 2019-07-23 00:20:52

good car driver
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WK56 YBW 2019-06-21 12:55:08

Talk about cutting a junction and not to mention the eye roll that followed. Grow up love
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WK14 HZD 2019-06-13 19:54:33

At about 7:45pm this evening this driver decided to pull over on Calf Street, which is very narrow, put on their hazard lights (which was fine by us) but then both the driver and passenger got out and swung their car doors out, straight into oncoming cars going both ways. The passenger of this car then forced me to almost walk on the road, despite there still being cars passing through. How selfish!
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WK19 JWM 2019-06-06 17:08:00

This joker or a driver overtook us and 4 cars down hill on a solid line just before a bend then did it again after us. Driving like this causes accidents. #takeawayhislicense
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WK18 YOD 2019-06-05 12:08:48

This bus is not taxed. It's also not a bus, but I'm not sure the owner realises.
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WK63 OJC 2019-06-05 07:36:31

Motor Cyclist with black plastic saddle bag and L-plate, wearing an orange jacket/vest.

His saddlebag collided with my boot this morning at 6.20am as he tried to squeeze through stationary traffic at the traffic lights by the Beeston Place junction in Victoria, London. After doing this he re-adjusted his saddlebag by straightening it up and drove off without stopping, continuing up Grosvenor Place and then left into Knightsbridge.

Just as well this little sh*t didn't cause any damage, otherwise the next message will have been to the Police for a failure to stop.
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WK68 HHJ 2019-06-08 07:57:30

You would think having such a small car it would be easy enough to park in a straight line - but no, this one parks in private parking at an angle
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WK15 XPW 2019-06-08 09:49:45

Brilliant taxi driver, and she's a beautiful laydee
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WK52 RWE 2019-06-07 20:42:59

Twat revs the bollocks off of a diesel with collapsed front suspension. Wanker
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