Driving my taxi in St Neots, Cambridgeshire, this articulated lorry shot out from the left nearly wiping me and my customers out, only sharp thinking and breaking on my part stopped a serious accident, awful driving and this guy needs reprimanding.
Beeping and flashing me out a parking space I was in for a god 5-10 mins! Stupid woman. If I haven’t moved then I’m probably not moving- you can’t been me out of my space!! Then gets out of her car And gives me the brutelist look.
Reversed into me (pedestrian) whilst crossing road outside work. Blamed me for not looking where I was going, initially refused to provide details. I had crossed 2 lanes of quiet road, he was parked in layby/parking area outside work. Wife stated I had no proof he hit me, but also stated it was not on purpose and should be forgotten.
Will be reporting to police in Bristol in morning...
Prick likes to block the turning point of the cul-de-sac and make it difficult to park on your own driveway. Thanks you waste of space. Oh and thanks for making other vehicles use my driveway to enable them to turn round. Knob.
Sideswiped me on the motorway and drove off. Reported to the police