NU14 KBZ 2015-08-19 13:24:44

A little bit further over mate, then you can get all 4 wheels on the pavement and passing children can walk down the middle of the road without a problem... cock.
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SK08 XRM 2015-08-18 20:07:27

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HJ62 UPY 2015-08-19 03:14:31

Car loud revving

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SY10 ZFZ 2015-08-19 00:03:49

Burgundy skoda estate driven by an angry fat 60ish man who pulled out in front of me at terrific speed forcing me to swerve and brake, I tooted my horn at him as did the car in front of me which he nearly rammed and he responded by accelerating and braking sharply several times, sticking the finger up, and then swerved straight into a Volvo estate before undertaking and driving away on the hard shoulder. I'd love to punch his lights out for the serious accidents he very nearly caused.
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MT57 ZVZ 2015-08-19 00:10:19

I rang VIP cars Nelson for a taxi they sent this car mt57 zvz
He drove Reclously at 145mph

He sexually saluted me
Said I've got nice big fancy boobs

Never ring Vip,or Harry with the BMW
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LC04 HSL 2015-08-18 23:15:32

Driver pulled straight across in front of me nearly knocking me off my motorbike, definitely would have done so if I hadn't been slowing for the lights and riding cautiously. No indication. No apology.
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WU13 FZZ 2015-08-18 19:26:43

Holding a glass bottle of beer whilst driving. Somebody walking on the street shouts out to him that he cant drink and drive so he throws his bottle at her/him.
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DY12 ENX 2015-08-18 15:11:54

Parking on bend
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EF15 HHK 2015-08-18 18:02:26

Parked across the drop kerb out of my parking space so I couldn't get out & go to work (7.50am). No idea who this joker was visiting but he didn't move it till 10.45am when the police towtruck was already on the way - apparently this is a company car so hopefully they still got billed for his/her thoughtless parking!
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SB12 DWO 2015-08-18 17:49:41

This driver clearly does not understand the rules of the road; merge in turn. He repeatedly pulled out in front of my car in order to stop me using the outside lane. This was not only dangerous but also irresponsible. I was in the car with my 19 month old child on a590 Ulverston when he almost blocked me into a wall as he came back into the lane I was travelling in. He was abusive and was swearing at me. He is very unprofessional and clearly needs some driving lessons.
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