NC55 LBL 2015-09-03 12:55:36

who owns this car
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AX55 GXB 2015-09-03 12:42:38

Abusive driver !
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GF15 VNT 2015-08-27 02:34:29

We were following this car down Sutton Rd. it swayed across lanes of main rd a few times. Thought the driver wasn't familiar with the area at first. They then mounted the curb on an island in middle of a busy crossing a good couple of ft. Then swayed left again then back to right. At the same time kerbing the alloys as the bumped all over the place. One minute they were crawling the next speeding too fast for the road area. 30mph! Instead of going straight on I followed the car held back a few car lengths whilst I asked my daughter to phone 999 and get the police to stop this guy immediately and check if he's drunk?! While I was talking to control room the guy turned off two more roads into a dead end and onto his drive badly. Even though I was a good few car lengths back I could see clearly a man stumbling towards his front door. Then a few minutes later he came back out to get shopping from boot of car. Couldn't walk a straight line of his life depended on it!
I'm absolutely livid! This Prat has no feelings or a care in the world for anyone else. Totally bloody Selfish. Hope the police lock him up before kills someone...
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T13 CON 2015-09-03 09:30:11

Driver constantly changing lane on m53 without correct distance spacing or signals.
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WP12 BRV 2015-08-25 02:02:10

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HX09 LVO 2015-08-26 20:12:23

Whilst I passed to the left of the vehicle (in the cycle lane), the twat sprayed me with the screen washer.

It looked like the passenger jet was deliberately aimed to the left of the vehicle. Fortunately I was wearing cycle glasses, but my face still got irritated by the screen fluid.

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YR56 YLB 2015-09-02 20:09:29

Clearly saw amber and red lights but chose to overtake an ambulance and ignore the lights.
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HJ60 GOH 2015-08-26 21:53:11

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LX11 TWA 2015-08-26 17:37:54

Silver van. Steams through a light that had been red for at least a couple of seconds. 200m down the road slams on the brakes and stops in the middle of the road with no warning or indication to back into a pub car park. Definitely a case of the licence plate missing a 't' from the end.
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MA51 KPJ 2015-09-02 16:40:08

Ford Focus (dark / dirty green colour) driving up my a*se for over a mile in a 30mph limit - almost overtaking at one point between Clifton and Henlow village - Beds
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