YR11 XLJ 2015-08-03 16:53:56

on A46 stratford over took on double white lines on blind bend then under took before driving less than 2 foot from car in font
. didn't stop at junctions

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LL06 WEN 2015-07-27 15:13:02

Walking to the shops and we are forced to push the pram into the middle of a busy road to get past this twit, who was parked on the pavement outside the dentist’s. Shows a total lack of consideration for anyone but themselves.
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LR60 PMV 2015-07-27 10:46:07

A dangerous idiot who thinks he owns the road. Tried to run me off the road where it merged from two lanes into one (apparently the 'Merge in Turn' signs didn't apply to him), then slammed his brakes on to try to make me crash into the back of him. Tried to make me stop at the next roundabout, presumably so he could add physical violence to the list. Possible insurance-crash scammer? He looked maybe Turkish or Greek. White Mazda 6 near Poole.
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PJ12 PCV 2015-07-27 18:13:30

Report the owner of this car after driving down a one way street.
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LT12 DLX 2015-08-03 09:59:42

Watch out for this amazing idiot!
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VU60 YAJ 2015-08-03 09:32:23


Tailgating a car with a baby on board, hand gestures, and to top it off, left lane entering a roundabout and went RIGHT cutting everyone up & just sped off. Absolute plumb!
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KF51 NEO 2015-07-27 09:04:17

This bell end ran a give way without looking and I nearly crashed into the side of him, old mint green corsa. The guy didn't appear to originate from the UK and probably doesn't have a licence on the strength of his driving.
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X60 DMP 2015-07-27 08:56:02

What an absolute arse clown. This guy flew up a slip road in the right hand lane, then cut right across lanes nearly causing me to run into him, just so he could rejoin the motorway he had just left. Dangerous idiot driver trying to save a few seconds. Very frustrating, doesn't deserve a licence.
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MA52 HNB 2015-08-03 02:33:36

Car involved in an accident.
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AU02 LBV 2015-08-02 22:34:00

in taxed no mot driving round Sunderland looking people's houses up obviously up to no good
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