BF11 BFV 2015-08-07 13:05:49

04.08.15 This Dyno van was driven so badly! In Edwinstowe the driver stopped in completely the wrong place at some traffic lights thus blocking the road. He then sped off in a 30mph. Further on towards Mansfield he was veering and finally he suddenly turned a sharp right across traffic without indicating - rubbish.
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DV53 YEU 2015-08-07 12:41:40

Raced onto the main road from a side road at full road speed. If I'd had been 2-3 seconds earlier he would have definitely have crashed into me.

Wants locking up.

This happened in Acocks green right outside the bus depot. The drivers was a young male and the car was a small silver hatchback.
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GB06 BNU 2015-08-14 12:27:58

Was literally driven at by this driver on Upper Street in Islington this week. I had to swerve to avoid and luckily there was no on-coming traffic.
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RA57 TVW 2015-08-14 11:37:12

Sells Fake Festival Tickets and Bands
Wanted for FRAUD
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GJ61 UVP 2015-08-07 11:36:43

This driver was hogging the overtaking lane while chatting with his lady friend who was relaxing on the passenger seat. His concentration was not on the road at all but on the lady only briefly turning to his front to make sure he is not bumping anywhere. After I overtook him in the wrong lane, he started to show off to his lady friend and harass me by overtaking again, cutting me across and all sorts of thing. If anything, I was trying to reach my learning disabled patient who was in psychiatric distress. We often face parking fines and some speeding fines as wells as jerks like these trying to reach the patients quickly. I really want to get this message across to him, that some things are more important.
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FE59 NKT 2015-08-08 01:49:14


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RA07 LFN 2015-08-07 08:35:48

This scum forced its way onto a 3 lane carriageway from a slip road deliberately cutting right in front from my blind spot rather than slow and merge behind, which i ignored, it later slowed in the 2nd lane so i moved out and passed it and moved back in. The scum then overtook, cut across me and tried to brake test me but totally failed as i saw it coming the thick dopey prick and i simply moved out to avoid its slow mong attempt and passed it again. As the scum saw me motion that it was being recorded on dash cam, it sped off. Hopefully in a ditch somewhere now and losses its scummy legs. Really hope its scummy council house family all die by a dangerous cunt behind the wheel and it can be proud of itself looking at all its little scum ones in a hole!
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UP12 BLK 2015-08-07 08:29:39

This plate is funnily enough on a VW UP! Black Edition.

Shame the middle-aged woman behind the wheel has no concept of driving on a dual carriageway and will quite happily pull out in front of you without indicating. She has a habit of doing this when around 400 yards away from a vehicle in the inside lane. I'm not sure if she even realises what Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre means.

Also stays in the outside lane and refuses to move back over when there's nothing to overtake and prefers to hold up the traffic instead.

Usually seen heading into Aberdeen down the A96 from the Inverurie direction, and performs her dangerous lane swaps between Blackburn and Dyce (in my experience). She'd do better if her driving license was swapped for a bus pass.
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XT08 YMX 2015-08-07 08:28:52

This has to be the worst driver ever, I followed this car for around 2 miles, weaving in and out of traffic, harsh braking, no signalling on lane changes, on our way to the Lake District, the car eventually pulled in and to my surprise the driver was emptying what looked like hair out of the car, he had only been cutting somebody's hair what a crank
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LF53 ATV 2015-08-07 07:58:26

Black crap cab can't read lane markings in Greenwich-turn left lane means turn left only, not go straight on cutting off others you typical black crap cab unobservant prick, particularly when you are going to the shell petrol station, so not as if you are lost. How big do you twats need white lane markings to be painted?
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