ST51 AAV 2015-04-16 18:21:26

This guy explores the limits of his Silver BMW through this area on a daily basis usually between 1600 and 1800. The speed limit is 20 but he is achieving 60 with tyre squealing in the dry and wheelspins in the wet. There is a busy park with kids and balls often come across the road. I Predict he kills someone.
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FE60 YKB 2015-04-16 19:11:24

Wakefield private hire taxi number 967

Parked on double yellows. Rules do apply to taxis!
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DE10 SZO 2015-04-16 16:17:05

The driver of this vehicle is very dangerous. If you make any sort of manoeuvre without indicating (even if it is unnecessary to do so) he will be all over you flashing his headlights putting indicators and hazards on. Should you allow him to pass you to get away he will slam on his brakes in a dangerous manner in order to get you to crash into him or slam your own brakes on. He is clearly a danger and unstable when driving a vehicle.
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MO08 REE 2015-04-23 14:37:58

Nice Ferrari
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AA02 RAW 2015-04-16 12:24:00

White Mercedes Sprinter van. Driver using it as a weapon in Manchester city centre and bullying other vehicles out of the way. Pulled out of a side street into oncoming traffic causing them to brake - because no one would give way to him.

Then, throwing the van in front of a bus because roadworks appeared in his lane causing it to swerve and nearly hit a central reservation.

After staring at the driver in his mirror, and giving the V's, the van waited at the green light blocking all traffic until the traffic light changed to red and then sped through it causing the rest of the traffic behind to wait.

Thinks he owns the road because he's in a big vehicle. All caught on camera too.
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KF02 RFY 2015-04-16 11:05:49

This moron cut across the solid white line of the slip road lanes to try overtake me while I was getting onto the M62 towards Leeds. After failing to do so he then tried twice to dive down the middle lane to undertake me and again failed. After completely losing his mind he then decided to cut across from the third to the first lane and then swing back out in front of me when there was only room for half his car. After swerving near the central reservation and fishtailing down the M62 I managed to keep control of my car before taking this photo when we hit a traffic jam. Look how far he got. Avoid at all costs as this man has no judgement of space and is a terrible driver.
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YD54 LWR 2015-04-16 10:24:05

She stopped for red lights on a crossing but is that a phone she is looking at ?......
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LX08 PXA 2015-04-16 09:02:15

No hands on steering wheel and on your mobile phone. Might explain why you kept drifting into lane 2. You're an accident waiting to happen...
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LV55 YTJ 2015-04-16 09:17:12

LV55 YTJ. Renault Clio dark green/black

I often see this driver between 6.15 and 6.35 driving through 20 and 30mph zones in rural villages of Tilsworth and Stanbridge in Bedfordshire and the town of Leighton Buzzard enroute to the railway station. He either tailgates me, speeds around corners where there are concealed entrances to houses (frequently having near misses with cars leaving those houses), overtaking in 30 zones or through the zig zags of pelican crossings and I have seen him take 'short cuts' through restricted no motor vehicle or buses only areas in the town centre to beat other traffic.

There's never any reason for this behaviour and poor driving as he arrives in plenty of time for the train. It's time for Bedfordshire Police to give him a ticket or two. It's always the same time window each day!
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YD61 LRX 2015-04-23 08:28:15

This person drives a white van and likes to harass paper girls by honking his horn at them every time he passes by. Every single morning. At the exact same time (7:15 if you're wondering).
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