GK03 EKF 2015-04-04 16:41:54

This young driver broke every law, rule and everything else.
Briefly - overtook as he sped out of a junction - pulling in front of a car , forcing another vehicle to brake hard, then overtook on hatching as lorry was pulling into junction
then overtook prior to 30limit causing an elderly couple to brake hard as they innocently pulled out of garden centre. Aggressively tailgating and overtaking - nearly hit a traffic island on moronic overtake and then sped into town ( 30 limit) excess of 50-60 schoolchildren had to run across road to avoid being hit. Reported to police. Huntingdon, Cambs Area - young driver tattoos and big arms / small brain.
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EX57 LZB 2015-04-04 16:28:40

Lunatic driver, tailgated me for several miles in heavy traffic A1M and then undertook and pulled in front of me too quickly - causing me to brake - then proceeded to "tap" his brakes - not content with doing it to me did it to car in front too. Young driver - white van - say no more.
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YG11 LSC 2015-04-11 13:46:43

Very abusive passenger. Nearly got a thumping for abusing me in London
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PJ62 CGG 2015-04-04 10:42:06

Acting suspiciously outside our yard & then sped off at great speed down our single track lane!! Absolute idiot!! Why were u wanting to turn into little manor farm????
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RO02 XWB 2015-04-11 09:32:00

Dangerous overtaking speeding and someone who brakes in front of you to bring you to a halt and when you try to move out round speeds off. Seen in Bridgwater area
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YY02 XPR 2015-04-10 20:54:08

Hit a cyclist because she wasn't looking or stopping pulling out of a side road. Hasn't bothered contacting cyclist regarding accident. Police involved
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EU54 ZVO 2015-04-03 20:00:10

Driving with illegal deliberately obscured number plates:

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AF53 ZVU 2015-04-10 18:20:20

Fat idiotic chav in silver peugot, had the driving ability of an ape
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KU06 KPT 2015-04-03 16:35:40

Friday 3rd April A13 East bound (A406 Junc)

Myopic woman in a dangerous hurry ... No regard for other road users .. Watch out for this one !!!
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Y13 AMA 2015-04-10 17:14:14


On the phone in Castleford. Young male driving.
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