BK53 AUU 2015-12-31 12:55:50

Fancy a Race in Cannock?
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WJ10 NVS 2015-12-31 11:35:50

It's actually an Audi a5
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KN02 YGZ 2015-12-24 11:30:58

Wtf is he meant to have done apart from look like a tool.
No evidence of any collision with a cyclist. Just a photo.
Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

The only thing we can comment on - which has evidence and is clear and factual is that he looks like a chav.
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BJ11 YUE 2015-12-31 11:24:09

nice air bags
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HV08 LKO 2015-12-31 11:08:24

You absolute vile cunts! Must be all nonces. This plate shouldn't even be on this site!!
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LC05 GVF 2015-12-24 03:41:54

You had a bus lane and the inside lane to use. You and the other cyclist decided to use the whole road for your jaunt in the middle of London. He beeped you. Wow. Get over it. If you 'took me to task' as you describe your own decision to talk to the rider, I would have told you to go fuck yourself with your tyre-pump before I rammed my keys in your fucking eye.
It's a shame you couldn't accept that you were in taking up a whole lane when your width is that of your handlebars or shoulders. Stay on the fucking left of the lane or on the inside lanes you self important prick. Now fuck off and get a camera with sound you gypsy.
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T137 HRV 2015-12-24 03:27:44

If you need to teach your children how not be be a prick, this is a training video on how to drive, shout and run away, like a Pussyole, this should be shown in all schools and taught as 101 basics on cuntwatch.
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T137 HRV 2015-12-24 01:20:40

Has this guy been arrested yet?
What a diabolical abuse of his driving licence to force other road users left and right and stop them where he wants them to stop and then has the audacity to get out of his car after being stopped doing so - to attempt to intimidate and assault the bloke riding the bike.
The driver is a menace and one day he will be stabbed to death or beaten to a pulp because he pissed off the wrong people.
And to add insult to his injury, he is the ugliest inconsequential maggot of a cock sucking shit eating wanker and will have to sell that car as it is now known to contain the biggest cunt in London.
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KN02 YGZ 2015-12-24 00:50:32

I would like to say that this driver is a sheep?! He has followed the Cosa trend of buying a fucking shit car,having a shitty hair cut and fucking girls that are underage that he just picked up from school taken to Macdys and then fingered their fishes cunts in the car park that they have been sat in for the past 3 fucking hours! He has tripped out his car with a shit sounding end can to make it sound like a Racecar but really he sounds worst than a girl being strangled by an iPhone charger! He mum paid for the car and also the insurance and fuel that he wastes picking up he 'bae' from school and showing off in tesco car park trying to do burn outs and donuts so to conclude this he is a Cunt #Slamber
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KN02 YGZ 2015-12-24 00:14:37

He pulled me over saying he was cold as he lost his Tshirt and his A/C unit wasn't working in his top quality car

10 seconds later his mate Ronnie Pickering showed up and they both stole my tshirt and windscreen wipers

Horrified for life
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