MK09 XFS 2015-03-11 23:07:05

Need some more lessons pal! Atrocious driving!
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RV57 LNJ 2015-03-04 13:58:56

Unfortunately you are gonna have to get used to it. Most drivers on the road seem to be more like this nowadays.
They call it using their initiative and tghey would have you believe it shows them to be a 'better' driver.
If everyone on the road right now was made to retake their test, the roads would be a much quiter place to be lol.
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ET53 OBL 2015-03-11 06:07:41

Crap Driving
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HK02 XTO 2015-02-24 15:17:15

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ND12 VPZ 2015-03-03 11:35:41

Saw this car yesterday - idiot jumped out his vehicle on slip road to have an angry rant, but turned into comedy gold when he forgot to put his hand brake on and had to chase his car down the slip road to put the brake on after jumping out in a rage - fortunately he stopped it before it hit other cars on the slip. Total Numpty - hope he was reported to the police! (And wish I had had time to video the comedy moment as it served him right) having also cut me up swerving across 2 lanes of traffic and the 2 lanes on the slip road, nearly t-boned me on the slip as he swerved across almost at right angle.
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NM07 MVA 2015-02-23 17:12:06

Using my drive as turning place when there is a large open parking space 15yds further along!
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BN02 FWU 2015-02-28 17:28:48

driver is now being charged with "dangerous driving" x2 - for all u guys/galls out there, then please submit video footage to police as the can be a good outcome - remove potential killers from our roads
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YM51 SOU 2015-02-28 16:20:24

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EY54 UEM 2015-03-07 14:16:28

Cockend! Your meant to indicate when turning. Next time, you'll get a good walloping if you cut me up again!
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AF03 BKD 2015-02-28 12:57:19

WOW seen you around in London
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