Not good behaviour from a driving instructor!
Looks like the Range Rover was contemplating his options whilst the lights were red, ie would he be have room to pull in ahead of the artic, or behind it.
He was at fault in that he indicated late and was aggressive in pulling over.
Camera car driver saw this and instead of letting it go decided to retaliate and tried driving into a closing gap, to the extent that he pulls over into the adjoining road in the middle of the junction.
By that point if a collision had occurred it would have been mostly down to him.
Careless driving. He saw the hazard but instead of avoiding it drove into it.
And by chasing the Range Rover down the road and blocking a right turn lane, probably blocking other road users behind him, what was the point of that?
A good example to set to his students. If that is his idea of driving does not deserve to hold an ADI
Evil, no other words, not that I will put on here, I hope anyone she knows sees what she has done, and makes her realise, what an absolute uncaring cruel evil person she is!!!!!!!
can you please stop thumbing up your own plate please?