Only person that seems to slow down on bend and is aware of schoolchildren .
He constantly gets beeped and flashed by impatient drivers, however quite intimidating when others drivers swear at him or receives abuse.
He is very poetic in his responses and clearly is a bookworm as has a freakish knowledge of highway code.
Is he speeding, driving dangerously and/or without due care and attention? Revving the engine? Driving aggressively? Then the best advice I can give is: get a camera. The cops tend to ignore it (it seems), unless there's a collision or altercation involving reports of assault. That's why there's so many pricks on our roads, unfortunately. At the very least, it may be re-assuring to know certain insurers regularly browse these sites? ;)
I don't see what the problem is. If they're going slow in a super-market then, regardless of their mode or make of transport, is that not a good thing? If he were to drive in a dangerous, anti-social manner I could understand, but come on.. who cares what car they own? If they like it and they are hurting nobody then fair play to them?
This needs filming as potential evidence. Throwing items at someone is also assault..and people have been convicted for it. If what you say is occurring on a regular basis then it should be easy to film - use anything. Get witnesses. Then call the police. If they try to squeeze you off the road, make sure you ride primary (aka taking the lane). Let the driver make it worse for himself, if he must, but never ride in the gutter. As mentioned, witnesses and footage are crucial. Stay safe mate, all the best.
Get a camera & film them.. they clearly want attention, right? Maybe they'll see the vid and realise the mistake. I get these crap passes almost every day on a bike..some driver's comprehension of the highway code is simply dire. Take care.
What a dick.. let them crash their car and try to explain to insurance and the police why they did it. I wouldn't insure them. This country is fed up with them trying to terrorise our roads.. just ban them and have done with it. Done and dusted.
Drives past a learner driver as well stopped at the traffic lights, what a great example they are showing!