YP14 LAA 2019-07-31 08:06:39

This idiot has no concept of the overtaking lane. Middle lane hogger
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YC19 UWL 2019-07-24 08:06:08

Never before have I seen such an abysmal display of driving.
Trying to undertake where there was barely a gap to the swing up into and nearly hit the girl in front of/next to you was down right dangerous. But then when she beeped you because you almost hit her car to slam on your breaks to scare her not once or twice but four times was disgusting. I hope you never have a daughter that has to go through what you did to that poor girl.
1/10 driving skills 10/10 knob head skills.
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YB60 JXN 2019-07-24 11:34:46

Even though the male driver of the PTS minibus no. 2610 from Shearbridge Depot forgot to use sidelights, he managed to concentrate on the road clearly.
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YD68 PMA 2019-07-31 07:21:56

Appalled by this lady - texting whilst driving and completely oblivious of people at a crossing point. Disgusting.
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S25 PAM 2019-07-31 07:13:39

Mental driver this, didnt feel comfortable being in front so pulled over and watched her bully her way through traffic.
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PE61 KPR 2019-07-23 20:31:30


Muppet thinking he's above the law chatting away on his phone at the crossroads.
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BX05 BJV 2019-07-25 17:23:28

Idiot tailgated us at 60 mph, then swings out to overtake and just gets stuck in the same queue...what a prize pr****. But he drives a gold Rover so maybe we shouldn’t expect any better!!!
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KV06 EYH 2019-07-24 19:30:34

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AB63 LLA 2019-07-24 03:01:09

Big ugly fat cunt in a shit car thinks he is the nuts, pulled out on me then carried on to do at least 60 in a 30 through Chorley town centre, total gimp kinda guy who lives with his mum and picks up school girls in his old shitty little red seat! Bet he’s not seen a pussy since his mams!
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YJ14 AWF 2019-07-24 11:30:11

The male driver of the PTS/Bradford City Council minibus no. 3886 from Shearbridge Depot, BD7 1PU used sidelights for concentration on the road and look at those toys, they're cute and cuddly in the vehicle!
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