OE10 KMX 2019-07-27 19:49:19

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VU19 RDY 2019-07-20 19:40:51

This car just hit my motorcycle then just drove off. They clearly saw that they’d done it but failed to get out and check it was ok. Luckily they just left some of their paint and no real damage was done but it’s still ignorant.
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NX65 UVR 2019-07-27 19:20:52

thankyou this driver, he had jump leads and helped me start my kitcar. legend.
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FT10 EOU 2019-07-27 19:19:32

Old woman who feels it is not necessary to stop for pedestrians (me) when they're/I'm already on the zebra crossing, even made eye contact with me before ploughing on!
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VF07 HXB 2019-07-27 19:16:26

Very inconsiderate driver, no consideration for other road users. Throwing rubbish out the window, speeding. Just being a bit of a bell end really.
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V100 SJK 2019-07-27 18:57:40

Illegal number plate, undertaking , cutting people up and general knob.
Just goes to show you can buy a nice car before you mature.
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GJ57 BNZ 2019-07-27 18:33:47

absolute idiot in his stupid Land Rover with oversized wheels. Speeding , accelerating aggressively to the point he’s continuously braking behind other cars, tailgating, going to cause a crash
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NG56 DXS 2019-07-21 19:25:33

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OE63 JDF 2019-07-20 18:22:14

Thought it was ok to drive over pavements to queue jump then stuck his fingers up at me whilst doing it. He then proceeded to call me a slag, a whore and a white hog when I told him he needed to learn how to drive
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WF52 FNC 2019-07-20 18:54:18

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