EE07 JAB 2019-09-08 00:23:19

It was so scary they were so slow and then all of a sudden . There was this angry person who got out pf the car and weed on me and then stabbed my tyres .
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RH08 EVA 2019-08-31 20:14:15

Parked like a total arsehole at the Crooked Lum in East Kilbride but still thought it was fine to park in 2 spaces, well done ya selfish twat
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CX14 WVL 2019-09-08 00:04:47

They were driving so slow and they stopped and grabbed me out of my car and robbed me car that fucking fatty and ran over my nan
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CX07 TFA 2019-09-07 23:53:08

They were so fast and then they put the middle finger up to me and spat at my child . Then they put their can out an threw it at my car .
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YB04 ZDN 2019-09-07 23:47:24

They were so fast and then they flew down the hill and smashed into this pub and then started punching people
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DG08 UHL 2019-09-07 23:42:53

They flew over a roundabout and flattened some old granny and then smashed into the indian shop
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XO04 LOZ 2019-09-07 23:37:08

So fucking ruthless they will leave yer ma toothless my g anyway ye they fuckin ran some person over yeh and then they slammed into a shop fuckin meth
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DF15 RVE 2019-09-07 23:31:48

They went so slow those fucking retards so angry andthen . They sped up at the traffic lightas wen it went orange scruffs
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CN18 VWR 2019-09-07 23:10:32

Rats reversed over someone and then spat at me so scary then they drove away so fast ...
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H517 XBD 2019-08-31 19:10:05

Crackhead with ugly girlfriend driving this Audi. Nearly reversed into me, didn't indicate when cutting me up, held his middle finger up at me, and doesn't even have insurance. I hope the police seize this mugs car soon.
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  1. KP68 VDV
  2. FN66 JYU
  3. RF12 HKU
  4. KP56 VVW
  5. PN59 WNG
  6. MT17 VCF
  7. FG58 CWT
  8. SL63 CKC
  9. MJ24 LVO
  10. BK70 YSL

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