RJ12 WVN 2019-02-16 17:03:17

Not a nice guy
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RJ12 WVN 2019-02-16 17:02:55

Tried to start a fight with me on the side of the road
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RJ12 WVN 2019-02-16 17:01:54

Doesn’t know when to brake
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RJ13 OMO 2018-12-22 15:35:23

Did you report to the police? If not then why?
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RJ11 RNU 2018-11-11 00:35:12

My friend was crossing the road and when he was about halfway a car hit him and my friend went on to the bonnet and it was only then did he stop. There was plenty of time to cross and for some reason the driver within the vehicle continued on at the same speed showing no acknowledgement of my friend. Absolute joke, he could have been severely hurt, however he did sustain injuries and feels sore all down his back
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RJ16 ZYZ 2018-09-19 20:12:12

Send your evidence to the school and to the local authority.
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RJ15 ZDA 2018-09-19 01:37:29

James May’s 458 Speciale
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RJ07 KNP 2018-09-01 15:46:32

(I will be comenting on here a lot because I need to get this out there) some guy of the registration y38 ohc caused me to crash into a ditch as of brake checking me, but I have no camera (although I am certain to get one soon). Please downvote this bellend (he's a right chav as well, has photoshoped a picture of his £75 Peugeot 306) because we need to get him removed from roads!
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RJ07 KNP 2018-08-31 17:20:04

You could be imprisoned, banned from driving and face a fine if you’re found guilty of drink-driving or even imprisoned!
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RJ07 KNP 2018-08-30 12:37:48

Also, you can be charged if drinking and eating anything whilst driving. It's called driving without due care and attention as you are not 100% in control of your vehicle (In their opinion). A woman was charged for eating an apple in recent years. Also if you are drinking alcohol at the time you will immediately fail the breath test as it's basically still in your mouth. You would be taken to a police station to have the blood test and then it will be taken from there. Just a stupid and ignorant thing to do.
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