LC04 SYA 2015-09-12 19:08:20

This woman driver nearly killed me twice in a week. Pulling out on me, didn't even have her mirrors adjusted so she could see what was behind and turning without indicating.
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GK51 HGE 2015-09-12 18:30:09

total idiot.bogey picker at lights ,abousive to old people.spat at my child
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WF11 HXE 2015-09-12 15:14:34

Absolude idiot, old fat man driving aggressively in lanes near Hope Cove
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BN08 SMU 2015-09-12 10:43:26

Alarm goes off randomly, usually at night in a residential area, waking up my entire family.
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HY62 ULE 2015-09-05 10:09:08

Nissan Qashqai pulled out of a queue without proper checking of mirrors almost colliding with a motorcycle.
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LL04 VKW 2015-09-04 18:03:48

Lazy school mum can't be bothered to park any distance away from the school gates so blocks me out of my own drive and then tells me I shouldn't have a house outside a school and that she is unable to reverse because her car is too big!!!!
Oh ok love, I'll go park up the road then away from my own house and carry my toddler home whilst also being 6 months pregnant.
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DK14 LDY 2015-09-05 01:07:49

Hoyer UK Shell petrol tanker on the Orwell Bridge near Ipswich this evening. Followed us far too closely flashing his headlamos then attempted a a badly judged three-car overtake which the driver had to abandon due to his lack of momentum. There then followed another round of flashing which we assume was an expression of his discontent. Come on driver, this was not very professional and could have led to a potentially dangerous incident!
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GN62 FJV 2015-09-12 00:43:30

The driver is rude and unpleasant - saw him in Crawley with his 'girlfriend' who raised her middle finger up at me as her boyfriend pushed into traffic. A complete prat.
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PJ63 LKF 2015-09-04 12:59:40

This man drives like a complete idiot. He overtook us in a 20mph zone only for us to catch him up at the traffic lights.
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A18 FPH 2015-09-04 19:26:39

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