DY05 GKP 2015-09-01 23:17:40

Person reported for parking on a pavement in Aberavon, forcing a disabled wheelchair user to use the road. When challenged about this, she is claimed to have said: 'It was a shame you weren't knocked down'.
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AP03 GJZ 2015-09-01 23:50:55

Started off with driver of said car pulling an illegal 3 lane cross from off a motorway junction to then cut me up travelling at 70mph, I flashed my lights in frustration to then have to break so hard down to 40mph in fast lane, then as he entered a layby to wait for me to pass him he then followed me to then pull an illegal undertake and slam his breaks on yet again to nearly cause a second crash. Im still in shock 6 hrs after incident.
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MF58 MGU 2015-09-08 22:46:49

Great driving. Nice animal care to
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YM02 TCJ 2015-09-08 22:42:49

Thicko pulled out from the side street without indicating and without looking!! Had to sharp break and nearly caused an accident with the truck behind me
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FD10 CVL 2015-09-08 21:21:40

Weirdo follows people
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DE11 BOJ 2015-09-01 21:17:46

Why did u constantly keep switching lanes without indicating?? You didn't get far and you still had to stop at the traffic lights like the rest of us
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YT59 HFS 2015-09-01 21:13:20

This blonde ugly bitch cut in front of me on Leeds road in Huddersfield. She didn't even indicate and there wasn't even much space between me and the car infront, I had to sharp break whilst I had a little baby at the back. She then quickly turned into Leeds road retail park... Again no indicator which nearly caused yet another accident.

And seriously was she blind??? Why the sunglasses when it was dull and raining?
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EN11 XPX 2015-09-01 17:05:47

This car nearly ran us off the road on the M25 this morning!
Driver didn't even apologise and then pulled in front of us again......dangerous driving like this can KILL!!
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PN08 JHX 2015-09-08 18:05:23

Watch out for this vehicle.
It parks up in various places around Merseyside and takes pictures of passing motorists.
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SH64 XUE 2015-09-08 16:19:32

very good looking
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