YG58 DZB 2015-09-07 16:18:08

This bloke is a bloody nobber.. Baseball cap and sunglasses W⚓️
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FY59 HHD 2015-08-30 03:46:41

Very lucky..
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KG52 GDP 2015-08-31 13:58:21

Young lady yakking on hand held mobile phone about to negotiate a roundabout.
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ML63 TBY 2015-09-07 10:12:30

This man hit my car and didn't despite that. I attempted three times on the motor way to stop him but he did not.
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SK11 EKD 2015-09-07 08:50:32

Absolute idiot!! Doing at least 90mph overtaking on wrong side of the motorway. Pulls right in front of me nearly clipping my bonet. Currently in the process of address hunting.
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YR09 YSF 2015-08-31 04:22:49

Had to report this moped driver to the police for terrible driving ability and, after having to beep to warn him (as he only had 1 wing mirror and nearly drove into me), his awfully childish, boring response in trying to get me to drive into him by braking suddenly. Any issues with this driver please report to the police.
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SN15 ONO 2015-09-06 22:22:18

https://twitter.com/TheExiledRobin/status/640578466128265216 - loves to park across disabled parking spaces
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YD14 EKF 2015-09-06 18:02:16

Terrible driver-deliberately and dangerously cut in on busy main road-and then proceeded to wave aggressively out his window-car had company name unwin.co.uk
Terrible ad for his company!
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BL02 BLO 2015-09-06 15:56:56

Awful driver with no consideration for his, or anybody elses safety. Attepmted overtake on the fulham palace road SW6 at 50mph (30mph zone) with busy oncoming traffic.
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GF10 LWC 2015-09-06 12:26:09

Drives like a maniac, but so damned gorgeous! She is what Katie Price wishes to look like!
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