PJ64 LYK 2015-12-01 21:01:17

Total tosspot. Surprised he isn't driving an Audi or BMW. Deserves to be eliminated, preferably not at the expense of an oncoming driver.
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LB59 OXU 2015-12-01 20:47:41

Typical BMW bellend
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GX59 ACJ 2015-11-24 19:19:15

It was after a night at the pub that I was strolling (stumbling) home, when out of nowhere I spotted a wild Fox. The Fox clearly had a crack habit and wanted to me to buy some slippers from him in exchange for local currency. This man then drove past and blew his 'anti-crack fox whistle' from his open window and the Fox ran away. Life saver, cheers.
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NX09 AXC 2015-11-24 14:47:50

Their employee using a mobile phone whilst driving this time. Complete surprise when he turned up and ended up behind the car.

Company car, clear on camera, breaking the law.

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BK53 AUU 2015-12-01 11:03:11

Awwwww Your Corsa is Lovely,

Could Help Myself But fall in the love with Driver, Babe you have nice hair.
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GX59 ACJ 2015-11-24 06:24:50

i was waiting at the traffic lights. I heard a vroom and a loud belch. There he was with the seat tipped back, a hand on the steering wheel listening to agadoo doing the actions with his spare hand.i though theres a man who knows how to handle a proton.
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GX59 ACJ 2015-11-24 06:22:14

I foolishly stepped out in front of this mans car and thanks to his lightning quick reactions, I only suffered slight embarrassment. Even better, was the fact he took the time to make sure I was ok and shared some some of his warm Bovril with me. Thanks Joe. xx
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GX59 ACJ 2015-11-24 06:16:18

After the sad death of my father, I was looking for a man to cuddle at night and along came my knight in a shining Proton.

Sadly, I could not stay in the UK for long, but my time with him will always be remembered.
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GX59 ACJ 2015-11-24 06:14:30

Even after I tripped and fell into his car and my man hood got stuck in his open drivers window ( snapping my banjo ) he helped me into his can and held me tight all the way to the local hospital, What a guy.
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GX59 ACJ 2015-11-24 06:11:12

When I saw this man, he was wearing a grey and white striped t-shirt and listening to very loud drum and bass. I really hate drum and bass and didn't much enjoy his dress sense.

A simple frown made him realise this and he immediately took off his clothing and put on BBC Radio 4.
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