GX53 CTU 2015-11-30 20:06:31

The guy's a tool. Bullying an innocent woman in a car park must make him feel ten feet tall. Bloody prat.
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ST07 FUN 2015-11-30 18:55:40

Drives like an absolute imbecile! Goes around like he's in a Red Ferrari not a Red Fiesta, looks car looks like one of those dodgey Addidas tracksuits... Calm down!
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SV15 MVK 2015-11-23 18:32:16

Information about registered keepers - Information on how to trace- you will need to write to the FVLA, see link:-
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ST07 FUN 2015-11-30 18:22:25

Saw him at santa pod at ford fest, came hooing through the pits! Wasn't even running 17 second runs
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ST07 FUN 2015-11-30 18:17:47

Man drive like a wasteman! Fam wanted to race me in my 1.2 corsa but man couldn't keep up even with his badman civic exhaust nah mean!

Class A egg
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ST07 FUN 2015-11-30 18:15:51

drives like an absolute cock!

Someone has a little weener who needs to rev up and wheelspin everywhere.
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MA14 EZZ 2015-11-30 16:09:29

Seen this earlier when picking up my kids. She definitely done it on purpose, vile cow!!!
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T10 HST 2015-11-30 15:42:29

I had cause to report the driver of this vehicle to Warwickshire Police as well. They assured me he will be dealt with.
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DG64 XYN 2015-11-30 10:16:42

I was helping him but, you can't see me. Also had a fight with that Volvo owner.
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YB15 TYX 2015-11-30 10:14:46

You can't see me, but I was fighting the driver.
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