NG62 XRE 2020-03-01 01:17:22

It's 1am. There are next to no cars on the road, and yet you decide to do a U Turn in front of the only fucking cars on the road. Proper knobhead
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NL08 TXT 2020-02-23 00:47:43

L plate driver, clearly needs a lot more lessons. Failed to give way on a narrow bridge when I had right of way, then continued to push their way through anyway after I had already entered the bridge.

They have no hope of passing their test anytime soon with how they drive
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SN17 OEK 2020-02-22 14:30:22

Driving along in a 20 zone near a play area and barely looking at road as staring down at phone in his hands. Selfish to the extreme.
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NA17 SGZ 2020-02-22 22:24:44

This person cant drive
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V4 BAX 2020-02-29 23:09:53

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PK68 OFP 2020-02-22 21:43:05

This fucking clown in a van shouldn't be on the road. Tortoises were overtaking the damn thing. If you're going that speed then you're either pissed and trying to hide it or you simply just shouldn't be on the road. They'd fail you on a test. 20-30mph under the limit continuously. Absolutely no need you cunt.
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Y3 WNN 2020-02-29 22:05:02

tbh i love yuwans vids but he’s still a cunt and my 2 yr old nephew would be able to
drive better than him🖕🔫
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P701 BTA 2020-02-29 20:50:58

Proper nice bus, top fellow.
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PK58 HZC 2020-02-22 20:48:21

Decides to block the only 3 free parking spaces at a restaurant and coffee shop. Spaces are owned by the Italian restaurant but decides not to moce when asked because his daughter apparantly owns the coffee shop.

Grumpy old man that thinks hes a big man by getting out of his car.

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GF64 HTC 2020-02-29 19:35:05

This somali man is out of control in traffic.
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