EJ19 EZU 2020-02-27 18:47:32

Get off your phone when you’re driving. You’ll kill yourself, your passengers, or others unlucky enough to be sharing the road with your selfish stupidity. We saw you at traffic lights in Ealing!
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G18 CEE 2020-02-20 18:41:41

please can you not break the law and tap away on your phone whilst driving towards ringwood. I was behind you watching you in your mirror, you were almost right on the white line and didnt see me trying to come past. If you were paying attention you would have spotted me and moved over. Thats why you were so surprised to see me, because you were distracted. I dont ever feed the need to look at my phone when im driving or riding, neither should you. I do have it on camera, but im not reporting you for it. Just please, put it down and check your mirrors. Thanks
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SJ13 BVM 2020-02-27 18:33:15

Big ugly bastard from with Aberdeen accent
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SB19 BKL 2020-02-27 18:29:27

Rolling roadblock at rush hour
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MA67 KGE 2020-02-20 18:17:30

Absolutely horrendous driver!!

Unsafe, careless and driving far too fast on a dual carriageway with average speed cameras. Clearly doesn't understand what it means to drive courteously, and also made a very rude gesture when passing me!
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SF17 JSD 2020-02-13 18:04:55

Absolute cunt parking on double yellow lines in front of a funeral director. Blocking in someone's funeral hearse and their families cars for 40 minutes. The cunts response to it when he came back was "So what?"
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DV55 YTP 2020-02-27 17:48:34

Older male in a Vauxhall Vectra undercut in Aylesbury despite my car being ahead, blatant dick head
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DG62 YXW 2020-02-20 13:47:11

Not watching the traffic, waves arms at me in disgust after he nearly drives head on into moving traffic.

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NA69 VVP 2020-02-20 17:24:48

sales person from Lloyd bmw Newcastle driving like an absolute dick
some poor customer has to buy this after this wankstain trying to drive pure idiot
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SB15 PPF 2020-02-27 17:21:52

Impatient reckless driving undertaking several cars on m77 at 5pm most likely speeding then beeps his horn in anger
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  2. S671 UOA
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